Who would help you with everyday challenges?
Kamu was created for children to thrive in the future and parents to make life easier. As a caring and flexible partner, Kamu helps parents to tackle the everyday life challenges, that might occur when living in a hectic world with expectations, life goals and dreams. Children enrich our lives and create the future world, that Kamu wants to be part of.
Even though the future scares us sometimes, Kamu will face it with a brave attitude. Kamu believes, that when we focus on recognizing and practising the strengths, the goodness around us will grow. The world needs more goodness, and Kamu exists because of that.
Except for other people, Kamu wants to be good for the environment. By acting responsibly, Kamu does it's bit for the sake of safe future and healthy environment. Kamu knows that it’s hard to make the change by oneself alone and life feels much richer when shared. That’s why being open-minded and working together are important values in Kamu’s everyday life.
Kamu’s blog is for sharing information and advices to enrich and ease the everyday life among families with children. Kamu’s professionals will share useful information about time management, balancing work and family life, family wellbeing, parenthood challenges and other important themes.
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